INTRO TASK : Answer the following questions about Black Panther  

1 How does Black Panther fit into the Marvel franchise and universe ?

Black Panther is the 18th Movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it follows on from the events of Captain America: Civil War. It fits in as a standalone film but it is very different to the other films in the universe due to the real world themes it deals with like colonialism.

2 What makes it different from other films in the Marvel cinematic universe ? Consider  the narrative of the film , cultural contexts, representations, critical response, range of audiences

Black Panther is different from other films as it is representing a fictional African country and therefore is a movie with a mostly black cast. This brought a different audience to the film as people that wouldn't usually watch marvel movies may watch this. The narrative is different from other marvel films as it has a sympathetic villain and the typical good guys in the film also have flaws so its not a simple black and white like most marvel films.

3 What  made it successful ? Consider the film itself, the star, the existing fanbase , the cultural contexts of its release e.g  BLM , oscars so white , the range of audiences. 

The quality of the film is a reason why it was so successful and the plot of the film relying on real life history for example colonisation so people could relate to the plot. Also with Oscars so white and BLM movement brought a lot of eyes on this block buster 


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